Monday, May 15, 2023

5 Years of Solitude Part 4

May 13, 2023

Part 4 of:
“5 Years of Solitude”
One thing about ‘solitude’ is that it has made me an even better observer than before. I used to love “moving.” On my feet, my horse, a boat, under water, a canoe, to the music, on my windsurf board, flying across the ocean… And observe, while on the move.
Now, I spend a lot of my time sitting in the very same place, next to my big window, observing all the trees I see outside. I’ve come to know all the main “Bird Players” in my field of vision. The Redtail hawk family, who come visit for a brief “talk” every year, a few times. They come to show off their youngsters when they first start flying. That’s when all 4 of them visit me…
Right now, my “Hummer-Crew” (Colibris) is in full swing. Am feeding and cooking … They drink more each day. Soon, it will be a bottle a day. And then, the babies will start flying. With their perfect “tinyness.” Completely innocent to the ways of the world.
Those are just two groups that live on the other side of my window. The hummingbirds know me well and stop, hovering right outside, by my head, to greet me for a sec, on their way to the bottle. They acknowledge me, sing with me and they watch me from across my drive, from the smallest branches of the old Mulberry Grove, where all the berry-eating birds of our neighborhood hang out, all day long, when the fruit is ripe.
May we HAVE fruit this year! It’s been two years since the last time. We’re having frost later and later into the year. It’s a bummer for the bears, who come down from the mountains to gorge themselves on apples, and the sweet plums, that grow along our little road.
Right! Back on track. Solitude has the most interesting aspects, such as observation skills. Another one I’m fond of about half of the time (lol), is the “slowing down of time,” while time races outside my window. Going to a peaceful, personal space, where learning and evolution of the mind takes place. In my case, though, “it’s a race to run, not win, against the “craziness” I see within…”
My conclusion, regarding this reality of mine, is to work with what is available, staying “calm” (hehehe), best I can.
As to the aspect of “loneliness,” when living in “proper solitude,” that’s the kicker. Different, but the same for us all… Que no!?
ps: the little round "love thingy" i clicked, means i'm sending love to the world. from my solitude. Lemme know when it gets there...

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