Monday, January 2, 2023

how cheap is talk? 2023, originally written in 2013

 how cheap is talk?

they say that talk
is naught but cheap.
if true, could everyone afford
as much of it as they desired?
and chatter on devoid of care,
with neither rhyme nor reason?

or else, if our words
don’t mean a thing,
unless we put them into action.
thus, separating cheap from dear,
and talk from righteous deeds.
how can we ever freely speak
of our dreams, hopes and ideas?

would not the fear of failing
to fulfill anything spoken,
prevent most dialogue
from ever taking place
and what of those,
who’d be condemned by
past mistakes and human flaws,
to never-ending silence?
where would they stand?

in ancient times, before
we spoke in tongues galore,
what drove us to invent speech?
some men, one day, began to realize,
after returning from a myriad
of fatal bloody battles,
that there was hope, indeed,
of finding other means,
to settle feuds, and live!

since talking is what man now does 
in search of mutual understanding 
keeping in mind that words,
 as substitutes for deadly blows,
surely are "heaven-sent."
then how can talk,
with all its flaws,
be cheap, devoid of value?

                     Corinne Wesley © 2013.                            


Image by Misha Gordin "Prophecy" 1979


people play

musical chairs

to the sound

of the wind

they all chant

@ each other


please be

mindful of

the energy

that you



"My Space"


food 4 thought

4 dinner

4 two

4 me'n u...

:| ...

The Tale

oh stranger
would you like to know
a little more about me
it’s alright
i don’t mind at all
as long as you
won’t try to change
the fact that who
you heard it from
was me

come closer now
there’s room for you
next to the fire by my side
i know so well the tiredness
that overcomes a rider 
after each long ride

this plate of food 
this glass of wine
they’re yours alone
to fill and empty
as you please
and while you eat
and drain your glass 
the moment's come
thus starts my tale
as gently as a morning breeze...  

(not done yet...)