Tuesday, February 9, 2021



Oye, I have come to see,

there is no 'shared reality.'

Only 'partisan' and, of course,

those we 'have' individually.

The dream of 'one reality,'

the perfect one, for all to see ,

may be just that, a dream.

What we create,

are shards and, splinters,

bouncing around us,

out in space.

But, not into each other.

Impenetrably lost they are,

in countless 'nano-ego-universes.'

Each one just far enough,

out of reach

and, 'safe.'

Open Poem

Open Poem

I thank you for the company.
Although, so brief it had to be?
Your sudden wordless "Exit" on FB...
Just like the other ones I get to see,
More and more frequently.
Could it then be, they only bother me?
You didn't really want to talk,
Nor did you want to listen...
You didn't want to know about me.
Rare were the times you could agree,
With anything I said, no matter what the topic.
So, let me tell you how I feel:
"I think it's not alright.
And it's no civil way to be,
to think the way you do, of me...
Does your life also not include some misery?

Answer to the question at the end of the poem: "Yes, of course it does, same as the life of most people on the planet.... However, you allocate a lot of importance to your personal loss, and its accompanying "dose of misery," which I can perfectly relate to, whether you acknowledge that, or not. I don't accept that your loss is the only one which counts. Finally, saying that other people's pain and suffering is uninteresting to you, and even boring, seems rather rude, and somewhat arrogant, to me. As if nobody else's tragedies matter, compared to yours. It's hurtful for the person who happens to be hurting."

(Also, arrogance is a tool people use to hide how insecure they feel inside. ✌ )

(Asi, callandose de esa manera,
vuelve el silencio completo...)

Copyright, Corinne Wesley
February 9, 2021

