Monday, May 29, 2023




wie verrueckt wir uns machen

um all diese sachen 

die am ende eh

keiner mitnehemen kann

und binnen jeder grenze

da tanzen wir dann

die erzwungenen taenze

und bei mind'rer leistung

da folgt die verbannung

und man landet genau

wie jeder andere "jemand"

auf einem grossen haufen dung

und hier in mir drinnen

wie auch um mich herum

da faellt alles andre 

ganz still und langsam 

auf den unergruendlichen grund

Corinne Wesley

May 31, 2023


Tuesday, May 23, 2023



one of the hardest things in life,

is to find out how little one knows,

of those one loves the most,

and how unknowable 

their thoughts really are.

oftentimes, one discovers this,

only after they're gone.

when it's too late.

so, so sad.

Corinne Wesley, May 23. 2023

Sunday, May 21, 2023

una poema de conocimiento (con ediciones)


 pensamientos, pasando por

mi cabeza turbulenta  

sobre el tema de comprensión.


me molesta "entender,"

sin poder "realizar" que entiendo.

el silencio a mi alrededor,

perceptible por su peso, 

siempre está presente.

seguimos adelante de todos modos...

May 21, 2023 
Corinne Wesley

Saturday, May 20, 2023


The Beautiful (and brutal) Month of May

All over the skies, outside my window, I see the battles going on, more and more of them. It’s when “eat or be eaten” comes right in your face. And that “bird action” out there, is about life or death. ravens against eagles, ravens and crows against magpies, magpies against whomever they go after (they can’t help themselves, remember? Just like the cuckoo, etc. they’re wired that way by nature herself!).

Plus, everyone alive ‘n little, clawed or on foot, has to be worried about the resident Redtail hawk, his wife, and his two children, every year. They rule this part of the edge of the San Luis Valley, where I live. I’ve mentioned them before.

Anyway, I have a hard time, each spring in particular, because there is this duplicity, in what I see going on. First, we have the beauty of courtship dances, fancy-colored feathers beating in the air. Followed by: “yeah! Let’s build a nest, together!”

That’s the fun part. Now, it’s all: “Let’s get their eggs, Let’s get their babies. Let’s get THEM!”

There was over 30 continuous minutes of serious fighting, between the raven family (5 members present) and a magpie couple. They all know each other because they do this each May. They live very close to each other and, once the “breeding and growing up some,” parts are over, they all go back to living as neighbors in the same three (or 4?) huge Elms, on the piece of land right across my south fence. For the rest of the year, I don’t see them trying to go at each other much. Because it is known by all, in my surroundings, that “Harry Redtail Hawk Bird” is the man!  😉

Another thing all our forest babies have to deal with and die of, horribly, are the repeated fires, bigger and deadlier each year. I see burning nests, in my mind, with babies, not yet able to fly… like all those people in burning skyscrapers, who couldn’t fly either. And most of those bad fires I can remember, around here, they started in May…

In my (weird) mind, the fact that the miracle of new, perfectly crafted (by “Madame Nature”), sweet, innocent life, within a couple of weeks, finds itself blindly thrown into bloody “mayhem and murder,” has been disturbing me a lot, ever since the age of 5-6, when I was first introduced to how nature is, by my grandfather. I loved nature, in all its forms and materials, but I don’t like the killing. Not then, not now and not at all! The great enigma of my life (since the age of 6), has been the question: “Why was I equipped with what’s necessary, in my brain (mind), to be bothered to no end by this situation? If by nature, everything is as it should be, why am I even ABLE to question it?!” That’s my dilemma. I can’t help it. My heart tells me that it could be so much more peaceful if we “All” could stop killing each other. No more pigs, terrified of what they know is coming, being literally “scared to death.” For Ham’s sake…!?

I could go on but won’t.

It “could” be an amazingly different world. I’m sure of that. Just look at some of the “Great Vegetarians” of all times. The Brontosaurus, for example, the Buffalo, or the powerful Gorilla, gentle unless provoked, sharing 98% of our DNA, Whales, and many more. Just sayin'... 😊

In a world, where most fish don't have wings, and birds don't breathe underwater for hours, what's the point of giving me a tool that i'm not supposed to use? "cauz' things r supposed 2 go on the way they r?!!?
"Tradition," 'n all dat...!? 😕
The End

The photograph came to me via Alex Ngabirano in Uganda, Protector of Gorillas, and People, and their Children.
Depicted is the late 'Kanyoni', who died in battle. I weep for him. I consider him a great loss...
Yet, I'm thrilled to see his noble face, and it makes me wonder whether he just wasn't enough of a "Killer," for this cruel world?
Seeing as that's still requirement number one.
It fills me with sadness... ❤

The End

Friday, May 19, 2023

Part 8 of 5 Years of Solitude, May 19, 2023


Part 8, May 19, 2023

- OK.

- What was today’s greatest moment (so far)?

- Me: When I held a fluttering hummingbird in my hand, for the briefest of instants, freeing it gently from where its beak had gotten stuck, in the old screen door. Feeling the flutter of the tips of her wing feathers, I opened my hand right away, once i got its beak unstuck. It never stopped moving, in my loosely closed hands. And all i felt were its wings. The whole thing took a second, not quite 2 seconds. I’m ridin’ high on the experience, since then. Till the next cool thing like that comes around…. Yay!

- Pause…

Below, you find some words, questions, replies, and comments, having to do with the subject of “racism” as well as “general discrimination,” which is going on everywhere, for every (bloody) reason people can “dream up.”

It’s also being hotly discussed, at the moment.

I have been observing this “global dialog” since a long time. After all, every color is practicing “racism” against each other, and against the rest. Sometimes I fear that it doesn’t seem to matter any more, what is said. If we don’t put the desire to be free of the “color issue” into simple practice, then we’re “screwed.”

We “need” for it to NOT matter any longer. Right? So, let’s project that out into the world around us. Directly from the heart. In Peace.

( I'm not saying that the question below is especially “racist.” neither by intention, nor any other way.

It could well be just the question: “Why aren’t there any white dudes in your group?")



“Alex No white men in your group why is that.”

- First of my answers:

"... why not ask the "white men?" I am an old, Caucasian woman, working for Alex as a volunteer, long-distance. Actually, there is a younger "white woman," in one of the previous photographs. In fact, your question led me to realize that "white men" are, indeed, rather absent.

Food for Thought! Thank you for that! I'd say the main reason is because this is Africa. And the people Alex works with, live in specific, remote, tribal areas, poor areas, where not a lot of white people want to live...It is a local, African issue, dealt with by those directly affected."


- Answer to Alex Ngabirano's reaction (to my answer), to J. E’s question above:

"Thanks, for acknowledging my comment/answer to John Evans' question. (I apologize for all white people.) Hahahaha! (Nobody can do that). As you well know!? 

I am so hoping that one fine day, maybe those children you teach "Conservation," will be living in a world of their own making, where no "Conversations," or thoughts about people's colors, are necessary, or of particular importance, except for thinking how beautiful the colors of the world can be.

We know how ugly they can be too. We have all seen it, no matter what color. And I believe I speak for people of all colors, when I say, we are SO sick and tired of it.

What we must to do, to make the change, is to practice it, to make it part of our being, and spread it wherever we can.

Accept that we all bleed red, under any skin color, and agree, that we don't have to make any more people bleed, in order to remember it!

Break down all the walls, and don't build any more of them, ever!

True "non-racists" (a term I just used for ‘want’ of a more appropriate one.), They don't even think about the color of others, as a defining part, of what makes us human or, special. They delight in the variety of color, and beauty around them, as a given, like looking at flowers, then move on and just continue to exist, as ONE, together.... (period).

(of course, that's just how i see it. i wish it 2 b tru!)


Bigli Migli A line art person with a body in the form of a square he is holding a small red heart that is on a stick in the hands sticker

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Part 7 of 5 Years of Solitude, May 17, 2023




Part 7


Short 'n not so Sweet.


i'm trying to balance the positive and the negative sides of solitude, in my writing. that means that i am holding back a lot. people don't want to deal with stuff that's too overwhelming. i get it. so, i sit with what's overwhelming me all day long, while i watch myself slide down towards the familiar bottom area...   i don't wanna eat, or go out (and i need to!), change into clean clothes, brush my teeth, or wash my hair. i want nobody to see me like this. my stomach is growling and, my fukked up head is keeping me sitting, for hours on end, in the spot where i sit. at some point, i hurt so much, that i must lie down. and i do.


THANKS for being the person i can say that to, and for not getting scared off...


the part of me, the positive one, the creative one, hasn't gone away. it's all in there, happening like in parallel universes. at the same time. Over 'n Out!


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Part 6 of "5 Years of Solitude..." May 16, 2023


I've been thinking about what I'm going to write about next. Lot's of things come to mind... All part of this hermitic existence of mine. Just like everybody else, in the same position, there is more than one reason for a life of solitude. 
In my case, most of these reasons connect, in one way, or another, with my "mental state," ruled by my various disorders, and phobias. 
Fighting them, each day, is quite exhausting and, most of the time, I am glad that there's no one around, who could be affected, bothered, or un-nerved by it. There's a feeling of safety, in my house, during uncomfortable episodes. When it's like that, and both of us, Billie (my dog), 'n me, are inside, together, relaxed and peaceful. That's a good space to be... 
However, deep inside, ever-present, I feel the process of mourning going on, missing my life, missing the presence of a companionly mate. I know, both of my mates are gone, forever, and that it's close to impossible, finding another. They are very rare. 
It's ok. I've lived on my own since Earl died, almost 8 years ago. I know how to do it. Which is good. It's a part of freedom, that has always been on my mind, some years before I turned eleven, and really started running. Realizing at the same time, that freedom's price, more often, than not, is solitude.
Three years ago, as a result of Covid 19, and its "side-effects," such as strict self-quarantine for over a year, I started developing agoraphobia (fear of going outside), then, and it has increased to where I'm at now, which is where I never wanted to be. I don't wish that on anybody. 
My saving grace lies in the fact that, in the absence of amity, I am able, despite all the difficulties, to be decent company, to myself, at least... This allows me to move forward, even when my pain, and all the other stuff, are forcing me to hold still, i keep striving to, one day, make my last big move. The one I'm dreaming of. Yeah!

PS: Regarding that dream I mention at the end. It has occurred to me, a few times, lately, that the dream does not necessarily has to come true. Its presence and, how it makes me move forward, and toward it, in whatever way I can, that's already more than before.

Monday, May 15, 2023

5 Years of Solitude Part 4

May 13, 2023

Part 4 of:
“5 Years of Solitude”
One thing about ‘solitude’ is that it has made me an even better observer than before. I used to love “moving.” On my feet, my horse, a boat, under water, a canoe, to the music, on my windsurf board, flying across the ocean… And observe, while on the move.
Now, I spend a lot of my time sitting in the very same place, next to my big window, observing all the trees I see outside. I’ve come to know all the main “Bird Players” in my field of vision. The Redtail hawk family, who come visit for a brief “talk” every year, a few times. They come to show off their youngsters when they first start flying. That’s when all 4 of them visit me…
Right now, my “Hummer-Crew” (Colibris) is in full swing. Am feeding and cooking … They drink more each day. Soon, it will be a bottle a day. And then, the babies will start flying. With their perfect “tinyness.” Completely innocent to the ways of the world.
Those are just two groups that live on the other side of my window. The hummingbirds know me well and stop, hovering right outside, by my head, to greet me for a sec, on their way to the bottle. They acknowledge me, sing with me and they watch me from across my drive, from the smallest branches of the old Mulberry Grove, where all the berry-eating birds of our neighborhood hang out, all day long, when the fruit is ripe.
May we HAVE fruit this year! It’s been two years since the last time. We’re having frost later and later into the year. It’s a bummer for the bears, who come down from the mountains to gorge themselves on apples, and the sweet plums, that grow along our little road.
Right! Back on track. Solitude has the most interesting aspects, such as observation skills. Another one I’m fond of about half of the time (lol), is the “slowing down of time,” while time races outside my window. Going to a peaceful, personal space, where learning and evolution of the mind takes place. In my case, though, “it’s a race to run, not win, against the “craziness” I see within…”
My conclusion, regarding this reality of mine, is to work with what is available, staying “calm” (hehehe), best I can.
As to the aspect of “loneliness,” when living in “proper solitude,” that’s the kicker. Different, but the same for us all… Que no!?
ps: the little round "love thingy" i clicked, means i'm sending love to the world. from my solitude. Lemme know when it gets there...