The following day. Back to the issue of “truth,” which I referred to in part 1.
"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." (Thomas Paine)
I couldn’t agree more! Not to mention the pain one must endure, for simply experiencing stuff of any kind, strongly, and daring to voice one’s thoughts. It’s “naughty,” says my friend Sara jokingly on FB, where one has to be careful, these days, of humiliating “AI - Interference.” (AI = artificial intelligence)
I don’t sense much Intelligence in these machines who judge our voices, and words. Every time I come across the term “AI,” it sounds like braggin’ to me. It’s Not “AI,” it’s “AB!” (Artificial Bully) 

Now, where I live, it’s not only about my written words. Instead, here, on a regular basis, I am forced to be witness to incredible suffering, stemmed from human behavior towards the most innocent creatures around, their animals, who give nothing but unconditional love, only to be left to die horrible deaths, in the end, when they get old, which breaks my heart a bit more each time, and I am expected to remain silent, to “keep the peace.”
Yet, I cannot, and thus, I find myself being the repeated “offender.”
There is a popular phrase, well used in our country:
“It’s none of your business!”
And it does not only refer to animals. It refers to children as well, or whatever else kind of cruel trespasses one is obliged to observe, and expected to say nothing...
It’s the number one rule, but I find such a mindset unacceptable, because I LOVE ALL, and I cannot bear to see what humans are capable of, without reacting to it. Know what I mean?
If you do, then you know about the kind of trouble this can get you into. Just like on FB……
Same goes for inter-human communication, or "relationships." There, one “must not” be open to the idea of changes, in the way things are done. Well, I prefer to talk about important stuff and, I want to, preferably, only have each of those “conversation sections” once, find the solution (based on mutual understanding, and open-minded intelligence), then move on. Period.
It could be so much better if we only would give “cutting the BS” a chance. It could save precious energy, to be used for better things, than repeated arguments, about arbitrary things, which are never resolved. What's wrong with that? Too simple? Is isolation the only answer? So far, that’s what it looks like.
Here's where my 5 years of solitude come in. Due to these " truths," which surround me everywhere, which are, individually, often about pride and, usually, "ego-based," the actual, natural truth, has been having a hard time, emerging, being noticed, and being accepted, or respected.
That's why I tend to live by the old Spanish proverb: "Mejor sola que mal acompanada." (Better alone than in bad company)
Mind you, I wouldn't use the word 'bad'. Rather something like, 'unhelpful'. The fashionable term, nowadays, is 'toxic'. Give that some thought... See ya!
(Need to state here that this, whatever it is, so far, is in no way intended to offend anyone! I hope y’all get that. I have no desire to be offensive, my intention doesn’t come from that dark corner. All I’m trying to do, is allow those of my friends, who have an interest, to read what I am thinking and feeling inside, about this lil’ world of mine. By no means, do I presume to give the implication that my thoughts, and written words are “genius,” or incredibly unique, or anything along these lines. Just tryin’ to practice what some may consider to be my “preachings,” by speaking openly.)
May 28, 2023
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