Saturday, January 25, 2025


night time stuff

ultimately, the human race has been fukking up so royally, for such a long time, we can't even see it anymore. 

it is said that change includes the breakdown of the old, all the way. 

we have no one but ourselves to blame, allowing horrid things to happen, over and over, forever poisoning and killing, and destroying, wherever we go, whatever we touch. 

having the answers to most global problems, but not applying them because it isn't "cost effective." 

we continue to act on our most basic instincts, whether we "know better," or not. 

i am sick of watching it, in myself, others around me, clapping each other, in congratulatory ways, on our proverbial backs. 

telling ourselves what good people we are, after all, while we all played our role, not only in the destruction of our natural environment, but all the other, unfortunate, creatures that have to live, and die, alongside us, within it. 

i feel utterly disgusted, with (almost) the whole thing. 

i'm no longer sure of anything, in myself, or the rest. 

there's no escape. 

no one gets out alive. 

we write what has been written by others, in similar ways, over and over. 

we always have (great) excuses for our own hypocrisy, in the predatory systems we have been creating, since the beginning of history, and before. 


because, ultimately, that's our nature?? 

what is being done, all over the world, in our name and in the name of "king progress," cannot create a better world. 

someone always makes a buck in the background. 

no matter how. 

no prisoners taken. 

that's what counts... 

can't really escape "the bottom line." 

gotta survive, right??

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