Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Commentary to professor J. Sach's speech in front of the Europan Union February 25 of 2025

Oh, here's one thing I need to mention: I love this country. It has been my home for almost 30 years. But facts are facts, and correct accounts of history, making connections over decades, not just the last 5 soundbites, are important for the future of our children, and we gotta look at what is actually true... We are, according to Constitutional law, still allowed to speak our minds without "covering up" half of what we'd really like to say. It's possible that this right to speak will soon be taken away. And then it'll be over (or civil war) for all but the fortunate rich folk, and in the case of war, for everybody, rich or poor. Don't look at me "funny," for saying this. It gives me no joy. It's rather obvious where we're supposed to be herded. We're even being told daily what awaits us. No mystery that I can see. Although, my gut tells me there's stuff going on, behind the circus scenes of our mass entertainment. Someone is "bleeding," while others get fat. I say:" shame on a system (for the people, lmao! really?), which allows such inhumane and destructive systems to exist. What else could I, as a member of the human race, truly say out loud, than that what's happening, and has been happening here, and all over the globe, pretty much forever is, indeed, shameful? And today, more than ever.
over 'n out 🙃

PS: Also, I do not agree with him on the subject of China. Not from what I have observed, over the last 40 years, and more. My knowledge of China is by far not as extensive as professor Sach's, so I won't get into it any further here. Plus, there will be those among you, who understand where I might be going with this. Thank you!

PPS: I care about human rights 's all I'm sayin'.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Nächtliches Geschreibsel

Letztendlich hat die Menschheit so lange, und so gewaltig Mist gebaut, dass wir es gar nicht mehr sehen können. Es heißt, dass Veränderung den Zusammenbruch des Alten einschließt, und zwar durch und durch. Wir können niemandem außer uns selbst die Schuld geben, weil wir zulassen, dass immer wieder schreckliche Dinge passieren, und dass wir immer und immer wieder vergiften, töten und zerstören, wo wir auch hingehen und was immer wir berühren. Wir haben die Antworten auf die meisten globalen Probleme, wenden sie aber nicht an, weil es nicht „kosteneffizient“ ist. Wir handeln weiterhin nach unseren grundlegendsten Instinkten, ob wir es nun „besser wissen,“ oder nicht. Ich habe es satt, das bei mir selbst und bei anderen um mich herum zu sehen, die sich gegenseitig gratulierend auf die sprichwörtliche Schulter klopfen. Wir sagen uns, was für gute Menschen wir doch sind, während wir alle unsere Rolle gespielt haben, nicht nur bei der Zerstörung an unserer natürlichen Umwelt, sondern auch an all den anderen unglücklichen Geschöpfen, die neben uns in ihr leben und sterben müssen. Ich bin von (fast) der ganzen Sache zutiefst angewidert. Ich bin mir auch über nichts mehr sicher, weder über mich selbst noch über den Rest. Es gibt kein Entkommen. Niemand kommt lebend raus. Wir schreiben, was andere geschrieben haben, auf ähnliche Weise, immer und immer wieder. Wir haben immer (gute) Entschuldigungen für unsere eigene Heuchelei in den räuberischen Systemen, die wir seit Anbeginn der Geschichte und davor geschaffen haben. Warum? Weil das letztendlich unsere Natur ist?? Was auf der ganzen Welt in unserem Namen und im Namen des „Königs Fortschritt“ getan wird, kann keine bessere Welt schaffen. Im Hintergrund macht immer jemand Kohle. Egal wie. Es werden keine Gefangenen gemacht. Das ist, was zählt … man kann „dem Endergebnis“ nicht wirklich entkommen, man muss ja überleben, oder??
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night time stuff

ultimately, the human race has been fukking up so royally, for such a long time, we can't even see it anymore. 

it is said that change includes the breakdown of the old, all the way. 

we have no one but ourselves to blame, allowing horrid things to happen, over and over, forever poisoning and killing, and destroying, wherever we go, whatever we touch. 

having the answers to most global problems, but not applying them because it isn't "cost effective." 

we continue to act on our most basic instincts, whether we "know better," or not. 

i am sick of watching it, in myself, others around me, clapping each other, in congratulatory ways, on our proverbial backs. 

telling ourselves what good people we are, after all, while we all played our role, not only in the destruction of our natural environment, but all the other, unfortunate, creatures that have to live, and die, alongside us, within it. 

i feel utterly disgusted, with (almost) the whole thing. 

i'm no longer sure of anything, in myself, or the rest. 

there's no escape. 

no one gets out alive. 

we write what has been written by others, in similar ways, over and over. 

we always have (great) excuses for our own hypocrisy, in the predatory systems we have been creating, since the beginning of history, and before. 


because, ultimately, that's our nature?? 

what is being done, all over the world, in our name and in the name of "king progress," cannot create a better world. 

someone always makes a buck in the background. 

no matter how. 

no prisoners taken. 

that's what counts... 

can't really escape "the bottom line." 

gotta survive, right??

Monday, January 6, 2025



pale blue winter sky

sharp morning shadows

a cat by the fire

a dreaming dog

and me

