Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Commentary to professor J. Sach's speech in front of the Europan Union February 25 of 2025

Oh, here's one thing I need to mention: I love this country. It has been my home for almost 30 years. But facts are facts, and correct accounts of history, making connections over decades, not just the last 5 soundbites, are important for the future of our children, and we gotta look at what is actually true... We are, according to Constitutional law, still allowed to speak our minds without "covering up" half of what we'd really like to say. It's possible that this right to speak will soon be taken away. And then it'll be over (or civil war) for all but the fortunate rich folk, and in the case of war, for everybody, rich or poor. Don't look at me "funny," for saying this. It gives me no joy. It's rather obvious where we're supposed to be herded. We're even being told daily what awaits us. No mystery that I can see. Although, my gut tells me there's stuff going on, behind the circus scenes of our mass entertainment. Someone is "bleeding," while others get fat. I say:" shame on a system (for the people, lmao! really?), which allows such inhumane and destructive systems to exist. What else could I, as a member of the human race, truly say out loud, than that what's happening, and has been happening here, and all over the globe, pretty much forever is, indeed, shameful? And today, more than ever.
over 'n out ðŸ™ƒ

PS: Also, I do not agree with him on the subject of China. Not from what I have observed, over the last 40 years, and more. My knowledge of China is by far not as extensive as professor Sach's, so I won't get into it any further here. Plus, there will be those among you, who understand where I might be going with this. Thank you!

PPS: I care about human rights 's all I'm sayin'.